Memories Of Lynwood

4 October 2012

Paddy has an addition to the Past Managers of Lynwood :

Kevin and Sue van Rensburg. 

Thanks Paddy.


4 Septembe 2012

We have been asking members to supply us with content for our blog and Ken Smith has kindly provided us some memories of the early days of Lynwood Club. Thanks Ken!


In the early days, the pub was a lot smaller and ended at the end of the bar counter. There was only one entrance which is the existing side door. In those days, there was a visitor’s book which had to be completed – this was strictly adhered to.

Pub sports were darts, shove hapenny and dominoes.

The 1st Managers were Tim and Thelma Wood and it is rumoured that the Club’s name was derived from their daughter’s name, Lynne Wood.

In 1967 the Botanical Gardens Hotel Sunday League football team relocated and made Lynwood their headquarters. They were re-named Lynwood Football Club. The probable reason for the move was that Tim and Thelma’s son, a prominent local sportsman was their captain. During this 1st year this team won the very competitive Sunday League. There is still a picture hanging in the bar today.

In those days, there was no music allowed in the bar and the only one allowed to turn the radio on was Doug Barron. He would listen to the horse racing results and write them up on a black board for the bowlers to see at tea time and at the end of their game.

Before TV, John Newcomb used to show reel films on a Sunday night in the main hall. The acoustics were terrible but he insisted on showing films like ‘Grand Prix’ which left every body stone deaf for a while.

Ladies were not allowed in the bar and, as there was no deck then, the two thatch shelters in front of the sun lounge became a popular outside venue on warm evenings.

There was an annual entertainment event put on by the members known as the “Lynwood Loonies” which was similar to the ‘Collegians Capers’.

There are also numerous stories pertaining to ghosts but as these are rather lengthy, will not be expanded on at this stage. (Note: If any members have a specific story, please share it so as we can put it up on the blog.)

The two ends of the bar were nicknamed deep end and shallow end and you became a member within a member of either, depending on your preference.

Some interesting characters:

• Colin Dove- scratching of nether region above the pocket where a player was trying to sink a pool ball
• Cedric Smith
• Dory and George Baron
• Charlie Kroeger: Mr Lynwood
• Norman Mantle: Mark’s great uncle
• Peter Swann
• Cyril and John Navcombe (father and son)
• Allan Donkin (still around today I think)
• Noel (‘gunboot’) and Sheila Smith
• Albert Jowett
• George Curry (Cane and beer in one glass)
• Tim Bennewith (Donated tables for deck)
• George Squires
• Mark Junynitz
• Paul Waygood
• Fred Tromp: currently bowling at Maritzburg

Managers who come to mind (Not in order):

• Tim and Thelma Wood (1st)
• The Barlows: The late springbok cricketer, Eddie Barlow’s parents
• Albert Steyn
• Arthur Funnis
• ‘Mad’ Norman
• Selwyn and Eleanor
• Wynne-Thomas (Mr Belvedere)
• Doug Walsh
• Chubby and Janaid (can’t remember their names)
• Noelle Moore
• John and Heather Duff
• Sean Fischer
• Len and Merle Wardell

There are also two early day barmen who deserve a mention.

Roy, probably the 1st, long serving. On busy bowls day, he would go out the sun lounge door and scan the greens before tea, as he knew the members so well he could then go and pre-pour drinks to avoid congestion.

Mums who was super efficient and a great sense of humour.”

Members are urged to add to this list of characters and managers. We appreciate the time and trouble that Ken took to share his memories and hope that other members will do the same.


9 Responses to Memories Of Lynwood

  1. Doug Butler says:

    Well done Ken!!! And well done to all who are involved with the Lynwood blog!Let’s all support it !

  2. lynwoodclub says:

    Thanks Doug – the blog is really an excellent way of communicating information to our members.

  3. Dave Moore says:

    Wasn’t it Noel Smith – not Noelle ? And I always thought his nickname was “gunboat” referring to his days in war ? A real character with one eye !
    Another bunch to remember were P.A.M Pretorious and Mally Burns, and Frank Quale.
    Some real characters have passed though Lynwood!
    Thanks for writing this up.

  4. Dave Moore says:

    GunboAt Ken !

  5. Chris Ireland says:

    Awesome history! As cricketers to the club, we hope to carry on the Lynwood tradition as a steadfast, happy and profitable club. Lynwood I love you – Chris Ireland

  6. Lyn Thomas says:

    Why would anyone want to join another club in PMB? On behalf of Howard as well, we want to thank everyone who has always made us ever so welcome as visitors, accepted our inexpertise at the game
    but still allowed us to grace your wonderful greens amongst some of the finest bowlers in the
    country. We are very honoured and privileged to have shared games with them and gave us
    the inspiration to give it a go again when we know we had not played very well.
    As things seem to always go in three’s, it seemed ever so auspicious we buy our house across
    the road at LYNGROVE, with LYNWOOD not to mention the school LINPARK (forgive if
    misspelt). AND the house number was 3 – Howzat!! Oh! of, course my name is shortened to LYN (full Lynette) . I do so hope it wont be long before I have the pleasure of seeing you all again.
    To you and all of yours, we wish everyone health, peace and safety throughout the New Year.
    Sincere good wishes and the kindest of wishes. Lyn and Howard Thomas

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